Now is the time and before this new year 2009 to introduce my research in english as required by many of you.
Let me introduce myself : I am Gaspard, french PhD explorationist geologist who spent 3 years (1 year and half full time) to understand where our believes, myths and legends are from by using differents decryption technics as described in my first book, Le Desert des Hesperides (The Desert of Hesperides) and the trailer video.
First of all, I would like to thank the few readers of my first book; thanks to Caroline for her interest in my works now published in her art thesis and thanks to all my worldwide colleagues interested in my studies- again thank you very much for your support.
As previously described in these last 16 chapters, Leonard da Vinci as many others 've hidden their secrets in their own arts by using different incredible decryption technics such as this one I called the dynamic mirror transposition (called TMD in french) wich was for the first time discovered by me in 2004 and then published in 2007 in my first book.
The following TMD figure of Mona Lisa is one of these unbelievable secrets revealed in my book : the fruit of 3 years of study.

This exceptional TMD figure is one of the most relevant key to discover the da vinci secrets. because it contens all the geometries and all the symbols to understand who is Mona Lisa, alias la Gioconda, La Joconde...Do you see then her hidden son, Horus-Harpocrate?
You will discover that Mona Lisa is also a genius gematric code based on the fibonacci number according the oldest alphabet classification of the Jean Trithème's (1462-1516), a contemporaneous colleague of Leonardo Da Vinci !
You will also be amazed to know that Mona Lisa is a praise for the egyptian trinity : Osiris-Horus-Isis as shown by the diffrent geometries and the hexagramms revealed in the mirror reflects of mona lisa, the vitruvian man and mysteriously found in the $1 american dollar.
You will then observe that all these hidden symbols are also those of the freemasonry geometries, the magical square of Durer (link1 and link2), the graal geometry and the flower of life !
All these precious keys were then primordial to crack the mysterious cryptic code D.O.U.O.S.V.A.V.V.M. of the inscription on the Shepherd's Monument in the gardens of Shugborough Hall in England, which over 250 years has confounded investigator.
I also suggest a mysterious link with the geometries of the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Giza!
The comparisons of my geomtries of Mona Lisa with the Mona Lisa copy of the Walter Museum and Mathurine has also confirmed my previous studies.
I was surprised to found in internet a new researcher group called the Mirrorandart who use the same mirror technics than mine. On forum, this Mirrorandart group harangue at us like fanatics. They seem to be a splinter group of religious supremacists of some sort who want us to devour certain scriptures they quote, be very afraid of "jahve" (or is it Darth Vader), and be very very good according to their formula. Nothing they feature with mirrors is convincingly interpreted in the least, and nothing they find is related to Hermeticism...there are many who search for clues with mirrors and find much more.
You will discover that Mona Lisa is also a genius gematric code based on the fibonacci number according the oldest alphabet classification of the Jean Trithème's (1462-1516), a contemporaneous colleague of Leonardo Da Vinci !
You will also be amazed to know that Mona Lisa is a praise for the egyptian trinity : Osiris-Horus-Isis as shown by the diffrent geometries and the hexagramms revealed in the mirror reflects of mona lisa, the vitruvian man and mysteriously found in the $1 american dollar.
You will then observe that all these hidden symbols are also those of the freemasonry geometries, the magical square of Durer (link1 and link2), the graal geometry and the flower of life !
All these precious keys were then primordial to crack the mysterious cryptic code D.O.U.O.S.V.A.V.V.M. of the inscription on the Shepherd's Monument in the gardens of Shugborough Hall in England, which over 250 years has confounded investigator.
I also suggest a mysterious link with the geometries of the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Giza!
The comparisons of my geomtries of Mona Lisa with the Mona Lisa copy of the Walter Museum and Mathurine has also confirmed my previous studies.
I was surprised to found in internet a new researcher group called the Mirrorandart who use the same mirror technics than mine. On forum, this Mirrorandart group harangue at us like fanatics. They seem to be a splinter group of religious supremacists of some sort who want us to devour certain scriptures they quote, be very afraid of "jahve" (or is it Darth Vader), and be very very good according to their formula. Nothing they feature with mirrors is convincingly interpreted in the least, and nothing they find is related to Hermeticism...there are many who search for clues with mirrors and find much more.
For those who don't believe in my studies, I would like to ask them to tell me what's the probability to get such a perfect relationship between all these geometries, symbols and gematric codes described in my blog ? You will most likely found out that the probability is too high to be a simple product of my imagination and any other hazardous thoughts !