The National Research Council Canada using three-dimensional technology to study the "Mona Lisa" say the woman depicted in Leonardo da Vinci's 16th-century masterpiece was either pregnant or had recently given birth when she sat for the painting.
That was one of many discoveries found by French and Canadian researchers during one of the most extensive physical examinations ever carried out on the artwork.
"Thanks to laser scanning, we were able to uncover the very fine gauze veil Mona Lisa was wearing on her dress. This was something typical for either soon-to-be or new mothers at the time," Michel Menu, research director of the French Museums' Center for Research and Restoration, said Wednesday on LCI television.
And who's her child ?
Did you see him?
Yes, he's there, yes, there, hidden himself inside the mysterious Mona Lisa portrait !
Yes, I am totally convinced that this secret child is HORUS-HARPOCRATE : the god of Silence and the hidden son of his mother Isis and his father Amon-Osiris.
The various following chapters will show you the meaning of all these geometries, symbols, images hidden in the androgen Mona Lisa portrait and her partner, the Vitruvian Man !
To discover the different secrets of our greatest masters, I offer you some extracts in english (try my best to translate it) of my french book dedicated in this blog to Mona Lisa : the hermetic art matter.
That was one of many discoveries found by French and Canadian researchers during one of the most extensive physical examinations ever carried out on the artwork.
"Thanks to laser scanning, we were able to uncover the very fine gauze veil Mona Lisa was wearing on her dress. This was something typical for either soon-to-be or new mothers at the time," Michel Menu, research director of the French Museums' Center for Research and Restoration, said Wednesday on LCI television.
And who's her child ?
Did you see him?
Yes, he's there, yes, there, hidden himself inside the mysterious Mona Lisa portrait !
Yes, I am totally convinced that this secret child is HORUS-HARPOCRATE : the god of Silence and the hidden son of his mother Isis and his father Amon-Osiris.
The various following chapters will show you the meaning of all these geometries, symbols, images hidden in the androgen Mona Lisa portrait and her partner, the Vitruvian Man !
To discover the different secrets of our greatest masters, I offer you some extracts in english (try my best to translate it) of my french book dedicated in this blog to Mona Lisa : the hermetic art matter.
My dynamic mirror transposition (DMT) created in 2004 and based on miror effect (used by Leonardo da Vinci in his book and his art by the sfumato method) will reveal you the most amazing secrets hidden for such a long time in the Mona Lisa portrait.
The DMT of la Gioconda created with her horizontal images (reversed) and vertical images (unversed) is illustrated by this exceptional and unique figure below made of 4 Mona Lisa portraits mirror of each other :

The Leonardo da Vinci's sfumato method is most likely the artistic methodology that Leonardo da Vinci use to hide his various mysterious messages undiscovered until now.
The fact that the Sfumato and the TMD are both based on layer superposition, it 's most likely that my process of Dynamic Transposition Mirror is one of the keys which makes it possible to discover the Sfumato secrecies évanesecents that I invite you to discover in the desert of Hespérides.
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